Ken Block of Sister Hazel: The very first time Sister Hazel went out opening for Cowboy Mouth, Fred knocked on our door and said, "Let's take a walk." He and I walked around the area and got to know each other. And I never forgot that. It said a lot about him to go knock on our door and say, "Hey, man, we're going to spend the next few weeks together. Here's who I am. Let's see what you guys are all about." I thought it was great. And so when we started taking bands out with us, I always took time to get to know them. And I still think the world of Fred. That guy deserves to be as big a rock star as there's ever been.
Onstage Fred is a flat out phenomenal drummer and showman. But more importantly, he has a one-of-a-kind delivery that literally has to be seen to be believed, felt, and understood. There’s absolutely nobody like him, energetically or performance wise. I see him as a “positivity preacher!"